Monday, March 5, 2012

The Mechanics of Rogue in Upcoming Cataclysm

   by Zhao Kylinin Entertainment / Celebrities    (submitted 2012-02-05)

Blizzard has implemented a lot of changes that affect the rogue class in serious ways. Cataclysm is, by far its most ambitious expansion to date. With a huge delta between what was and what it is, the transition will be a little harder as the world dealing with post-Shattering. The poisons have been simplified (again), our caution was polished significantly, and our talent trees have been redesigned from scratch to ensure that each specification provides a useful raid buff. I think it's safe to say that the rogue as we know it has evolved.

Poisons simplified
While the anger brought the elimination of poison skill of the game, announced Cataclysm in a more simple version of the venom system. Instead of multiple range variety of poisons that we have today, every poison has been reduced to a single range scale as the level. The system makes sense when we remember that Blizzard also removed the ranks of all levels and the implementation of a scaling system there. Poisons again make sure you always have the correct range ready, rogues and leveling up can store the poisons in their bags without worrying about exceeding them. We've definitely come a long way from carefully buy the right materials and quantities of reagents and go AFK provider as our skill level poison.

Poison vendors inventory 'will be reduced dramatically with the introduction of poison from a single range, but Blizzard did not stop there. Anesthetic Poison, by far the poison that is used in our arsenal, has been completely eliminated from the game. Fear not, Blizzard will not nerf us to eliminate the poison - just angered, dispel some of the base effect of Shiv. Not only to release a bag slot in our inventory, allowing us to always use our best DPS poisons. No more clumsy macros exchange of weapons to switch to a different MI weapon, Shiv to dissipate, and then change again. Simply press Shiv, and the effect of enraging is gone. The only downside is you have to keybind Shiv to something easier to achieve again.

Poison changes were not all fans, however. Wounding Poison had their effectiveness was reduced to a tiny percentage 10. Although it is comparable to the healing reduction effects such as Mortal Strike (was nerfed, too), is still a nerf, however. The good news is that the shaman will no longer be able to dissipate the poison, although paladins and druids maintain that capacity. I was secretly hoping that while rebalancing healing effects of reduction, the Blizzard development team would be more like the Strike Wounding Poison necrotic and less like Mortal Strike. The Wounding Poison used for reducing the healing of an interesting way, and I think can have a second class of the new "cure absorbed" mechanic would be more than fair. While we are taking the Death Knight skills, how about a clone of the death grip of opponents pulling us through a chain?

No more Master of Deception
Straight from the mouth of Ghostcrawler (lead system developer), Rogues get the best stealth. We deserve it. And in a disaster, you acknowledge that Blizzard. Master of Deception is completely removed from the game, and even combat rogues are almost invisible. While it may seem a simple change, change radically the way we approach cautiously. Before, if we had the Ministry of Defence, the caution was only a precursor to the opening of our attack. Marauding mobs or players is almost impossible, and had caught all the time. Now, it's easy to go where we please, and our adversaries will not be any wiser. By spreading the love of all technical specifications, it is much easier for any proposed specifications to be viable in PvP, and that caution is a big part of the success of a rogue.

Tricks of the Trade can't be wasted
Have you ever appeared Secrets of the trade, only to be thwarted by a slow tank or years of RP that prevents you from attacking your goal? Used to be that once the last 30 seconds of expiration tricks, would be to cheat on cooldown, which forced to wait if I wanted to reuse. I pleasantly discovered that this issue is gone, and the benefit of 30 seconds of tricks disappears before you can use the spell cooldown is not active. This simple change allows you to keep tips to 100 percent of the time when out of combat, which means you will be ready for anything the dungeon throws their way (like a patrol of IE).

Guaranteed Cooldowns
Vanish works. I've talked enough about that already, just say it's the best change so far Cataclysm. What is amazing to see is that Cloak of Shadows received similar treatment. It now offers 100 percent immunity to the effects of incoming spell while active, which means we do not have to guess whether it will work or not. When I'm not happy with how something works, I complain about it as I complained about service class "random number generator again in 2009. Although the review was more than a year later I'm still excited to see Blizzard has been working to solve even the little things that have been bothering rogues everywhere. About the Author

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Zhao Kylin

Zhao Kylin

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